PaulSizer on DeviantArt

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PaulSizer's avatar




My year-ender propaganda poster, this year to address the need to incorporate learning from mistakes, failure and screw-ups into the overall process of progression, in any medium, in any endeavor.

We are often told that we must be perfect right from the start, but the true measure of character is the grace and strength we gain from falling down and getting back up. As long as the amount of times we get up outnumbers the times we fall, that is progress. And sometimes mistakes yield far more interesting outcomes than what we plan. Having that opportunity to allow mistakes and failures to inform and educate us is essential to creative growth.

You can purchase this print as a poster in multiple formats from my Deviant Art store.

Here's to a 2013 filled with exploration, growth and building of the future we envision.

This poster design is ©Paul Sizer/Sizer Design + Illustration, and may not be reproduced in any form without prior permission from Paul Sizer.
Image size
3300x5100px 14.26 MB
© 2012 - 2024 PaulSizer
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rufious's avatar
Oh Gods!  So much!
No scientist ever got nice results without screwing up majorly at least once.
Or as you say gets the best results out of a previous screw-up.
 Great design and message